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Homepage - School of Applied STEM - Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

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“We are a pioneer in the STEMPreneur education and research through collaborative learning by enterprising”

Stevanus Wisnu Wijaya, Ph.D.

Dean of the School of Applied STEM - Universitas Prasetiya Mulya


A globally recognized School for STEMpreneur Education and Research


Provide quality STEM education and research for nurturing the holistic citizen graduates through:

  1. Collaborative learning by enterprising involving interdisciplinary catalytic projects
  2. Innovative and impactful research to the society

About STEM Prasetiya Mulya

School of Applied STEM Universitas Prasetiya Mulya upholds the belief that collaboration is important in today’s learning process, not only in terms of theoretical knowledge and abilities but also for the application of holistic knowledge in business and the professional world.

In STEM Prasetiya Mulya we integrate technology innovation and business in the STEMPreneur Center which is a platform for the student to incubate their business innovation and develop the relevant skills by getting real professional experience. The students are also supported by the center to join many activities such as competitions, research, real case projects, internships, and many others to develop their future life skills. STEM Prasetiya Mulya has a wide network with many companies which will open up a big opportunity for the students to grow

& Work

Find out latest innovation and work
from STEM Prasetiya Mulya student


Prog(r)amming merupakan salah satu kegiatan rutin yang dilaksanakan oleh STEM Prasetiya Mulya Innovation Student Organization (SISO) sebagai kegiatan yang ditujukan untuk mengajarkan dasar-dasar programming dan mengenalkan sejak dini. Programming kali ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 28 September 2019 di Collaborative STEM Laboratories Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. Berbeda dengan kegiatan sebelumnya, Prog(r)amming 2.0 edisi September kali ini dibagi...
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Sekolah STEM Terapan Universitas Prasetiya Mulya kembali mendapat kesempatan kunjungan dari Prof. Pitoyo Hartono, sebelumnya Prof. Pitoyo pertama kali berkunjung sebagai pembicara dalam seminar Technology Innofair 2019, pada kesempatan kali ini Prof. Pitoyo menjadi pembicara dalam Short Course dengan materi Basic Theory of Machine Learning and Primarily Neural Network yang berlangsung selama lima hari dari...
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Prog(r)amming merupakan salah satu kegiatan rutin yang dilaksanakan oleh STEM Prasetiya Mulya Innovation Student Organization (SISO) sebagai kegiatan yang ditujukan untuk mengajarkan dasar-dasar programming dan mengenalkan sejak dini. Programming kali...
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Sekolah STEM Terapan Universitas Prasetiya Mulya kembali mendapat kesempatan kunjungan dari Prof. Pitoyo Hartono, sebelumnya Prof. Pitoyo pertama kali berkunjung sebagai pembicara dalam seminar Technology Innofair 2019, pada kesempatan kali...
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Library Service

Our vast library provide the student with collection of books and digital journals including Pro-Quest, Science Direct, Emerald Insight which can be accessed for free.

Study Abroad

Study abroad is a one semester program provided by International office.

Study Programs

Prasetiya Mulya Bachelor and Master program has attained the status of a program of choice among Indonesian high-school students and their parents.

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Learning Center

Learning Center provides support services for students to help them improve their talents and academic achievements and maximize their non-academic potential.

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